Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Is PINK really the way to go?

Before I forget! Hail Rafael Nadal who won Roland Garros for the fourth consecutive time! And “I told you so”, to my friend who had to give me Rs.500 yesterday. :P

It is raining. So I and my friends decide to get drenched for some reason…for fun they say? And we had fun. We were on our bikes and I had to put petrol when my vehicle switched to reserve. So our next pit-stop was the Hindustan Petroleum Pump. I had to wait for I guess around fifteen minutes. There was a huge queue for the ridiculously ‘high priced petroleum’. Suddenly, something blinding struck in my eye. It was brighter than a thousand suns (courtesy Iron Maiden). And it was pink. Fluorescent pink to be precise. A man of the age of maybe twenty-five was wearing it? Boy! Did I have a hard time controlling my laughter! What was he thinking wearing a pink shirt in the middle of the day and that too carrying it with so much of confidence? Sadly he did not manage to steal all the limelight. Shortly, there was another aged man (looked like a father of two children) who wore a light pink, checked shirt, with white stripes. Hahaha! Behold, before I could completely size this man up, came another one wearing a dull pink t-shirt. Oh! I was left wondering, then and for hours longer. What happened to men? When did they embrace the color pink into their garments? Are they trying to make a fashion statement? Are they introducing it? And if someone is introducing it, why are other men bothering to join it? Do they believe it brings them sex-appeal? Pink isn’t metro sexual color, if that’s what they are calling it. More like a homosexual movement? For someone like me who wouldn’t recommend anything pink to even women, pink is inexplicably ghastly on a man.

A word to mankind, pink does not look good on you! It applies to pink t-shirts, shirts, turtle necks, coats and trousers (Warning! Before it comes to that) likewise. Pink makes no sense on a man, and doesn’t attract the female species. Oh! But if you want to get rid of a girl who constantly is a pain in your ass, pink IS definitely the way to go!

P.S. Spain just had its first victory in the Euro Matches. Kudos to David Villas for his breathtaking and startling goals! Flying kisses to my darling Cesc Fabregas for the header that won the match for Spain 4-1 against Russia. All in all a great treat for the eyes!

P.P.S Take cues from the Axe Effect advertisement. I somehow seem to appreciate it on many levels despite its lewd nature. :S

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