Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Five Thoughts...Today

There is always a choice before making a decision…The choice is never a matter of life and death…Be logical and not sentimental when making the right choice…You have only two kinds of consequences…Happiness and less happiness…so it doesn’t really matter at all :p :p

I saw an old lady carrying a basket of flowers today…I see her everyday actually…she always limps…I feel sorry when I look at her…I show sympathy…but I shouldn’t…from her face I can read that she is confident still and has more pride than most people…despite the age, she stands on her feet and sells flowers for a living…I’ll make sure that in the future I always hold my head up high, even during the worst of circumstances.

Goals are necessary to make something out of yourself…my goal has always been to be a successful, rich woman…most importantly recognized….but I changed my goal today…my goal is to be a happy person…I am not sure of what that means right now…but I’ll soon find out :)

I am in love again…It hurts when you love somebody and he is nice to you but doesn’t feel the same way about you…It hurts even more when he is mean to you and you still cannot hate him…your friends give you plenty of reasons why he doesn’t deserve you but you give yourself plenty of reasons why you don’t deserve him…And yet at the end of the day love feels good because it is probably the only thing that keeps you going.

My University Exams are shortly due…I remember the way I studied for my board exams when I was in tenth…man, I worked really hard…I remember the way I studied for my board exams when I was in twelfth…I worked hard but lesser than I did in tenth…And now, I wouldn’t even say that I am working hard…I have not been more distracted…It isn’t just me, most people my age feel the same way…I just hope I realize how important my academics are to my parents, how much a good score in my exams makes them happy…I hope I study the way I am supposed to.


Anonymous said...

oi..!!luvd ths one..!dun mind readin it again nd again!:p.. makes loooads of sense!proud of ya chiki!!

'IN'cesticide said...

thnk u thnk u...took me 15 mins to write it!...n those are just five of the thoughts tht occurred to me during the day:S

Unknown said...

dis ones more abstract dan the first one na... i think u wrote it contemplatively... bt its sorta contradictory...

cos first u say dat u need 2 set a goal in life and then u say dat ur goal is to be happy... but u cant really work towards being happy can u?? u become happy wen u achieve ur goals...

bt i did lik the first bit bout bein proud and living independently... if evry1 cud do dat, d world wud b a much better place.. i hate moochers

'IN'cesticide said...

umm...i dunno hw to put this in words...wht im trying to say is...people have goals to make something outta achieve sumthin...i have achieved many things in my life..say getting a scholarship tht will let me get an engg degree free of cost..but i never reacted to it the way i was supposed me it is not a big deal...but it should other people it is huge affair...but it never really made me happy..not a single day goes by without me havin cursed chennai..

well...u need to have goals..but the achievements should make u happiness becomes a goal in itself, the ultimate goal maybe...i probably just confused u :P:P

Unknown said...

yes u did... completely... i think i got confused wid the difference between achievements and goals... and i dint realise y u think u shud react in a certain way to anything... its upto you to react in whichever way u want....
bt frankly, that last comment went straight over my head.... *whack*

'IN'cesticide said...

u're the one who said achieving goals makes you happy...but it is an entirely diff issue for me..i refuse to be happy...just to make sure tht my parents realise tht they made a mistake when they sent me here..

might as well stop trying to explain it to long as u r content with the rest of the post:S

Unknown said...

Best hai Chickk ..
even i loved it .. seriously :D
keep it up ..

Ben_j said...

Well i'd say that happiness is not a destination 2 reach but rather its the baggage u carry along with you... cos its no use pursuin ur goals if ur not happy along the way..
Love the spunk n wit with which u write.. except 4 the hatin Chennai part but thats ur POV.... Cheers man...

Now if only nayan would be as creative n start writing... ;)

'IN'cesticide said...

maybe u can convince her benny..she gives me all weird reasons not to post..

and thx!