Saturday, March 15, 2008

Tuesday the 12th!

(Sneeze…) I woke up with a smile (Sneeze) while the cell phone screamed ‘Even in his youth, Even in his youth, Even in his youth, He was nothing…Kept his body clean…’. I have to cut short the lyrics because I switched the alarm off at that moment. If anyone is interested in knowing what comes after the above mentioned lines, you are welcome to ask me and I would gladly pen them down. Kurt Cobain has always had a remarkable impact upon my soul. His raw voice is the only reason why I get up at five thirty in the morning with a smile. But that would soon fade away as I performed the routine. At precisely six twenty-five, if you knew me well, you would know that I was on my toes, breathless, faster than an average athlete, after a college bus driven by a bald headed angry driver. It was a completely different situation today though. The bus was late! That too, by forty five minutes. My impatient being does not remember exactly how many times I had sweared, while one of my bus-mates remarked at the irony of the bus being late on the day we were going to celebrate BUS DAY!

For those who are unfamiliar with the term, a BUS DAY is celebrated in remembrance of the bus that provides you with a comfortable commuting option. It is in remembrance of those seats you doze on during the two hour long journey to hell. In short, it is a journey that leaves you stinking at the end of it all! It was my first Bus day. The experience closely related to a beloved festival ‘holi’ and a wild birthday party. When I reached college I was a multi-coloured being who smelled like cake, sprite and tomato juice. I was also a bride. The circumstances under which that phenomenon had occurred are too secretive to be revealed. I tidied myself up both physically and mentally (cleared my mind of impure thoughts) in, say, half an hour in the hostel. Happiness dawned upon me as I realised I had missed the first two hours of a long, unfulfilling day in IT A. And soon a sharp, painful headache dawned with it. I had caught a terrible, terrible cold the night before. I walked my way through muck to the physics laboratory where we were supposed to have a revision of experiments. With my two compatriots (the three of us totally believe that neither of us would be able to survive a single day in the college without the company of the other two), I started looking at apparatus among which few were familiar but the rest weren’t. With a silent nod it was as if they had commanded me to proceed with the procedure of performing the experiments. I am regarded as a person gifted with sharp memory but my headache had overpowered my ability to briefly explain to them how they were to go about it. And yet, I managed to get a few words out of my mouth for their benefit. After having gone through each of the experiments, teary eyed, I pleaded them to accompany me to the class. But I failed in my pursuit each time. By then it was lunch hour. My head was pounding and my jaw had started aching.

Not being able to bear the pain, I comfortably, without worrying about the consequences, laid my head over the desk while our teacher for English rambled on for fifty minutes about some subject I can barely remember. I am glad that our teacher did not wake me up from my sound sleep despite the fact that I was seated on the first bench. I am very grateful to her for that, I must say. I got up feeling much better, and within a few minutes I was on my toes, accompanying my friend to the library for ordering a couple of photocopies of a few pages of a certain Electrical Engineering text book (my purpose of being there involved only payment of money and ascertaining that a copy was taken for me and my friend). With the required study material, we galloped our way to the bus stand only to find that the buses had resolved to park themselves in a very weird fashion that deeply troubled our senses. We spent around twenty minutes chiding at the new system. The system required the buses to be lined in two straight rows. It became rather difficult to trace our bus in the midst of the rest and after quite an effort we were all successful! But it was a dreadful situation to try and squeeze our way to the open ground (there was very little of that available!) . In some time I spotted a senior friend of mine, greeted him, and playfully scolded him for not having sent me links to a bunch of videos of my dance performance at our college festival. He has this amazing grin that flashes his white teeth in such brilliance that you almost immediately forget his mistake! Nevertheless, I was determined to make him feel guilty but I failed owing to the fact that he had in fact sent me the links but somehow they had not reached my email id. He said he would send them over again and I made my peace with that. After having bid farewell to him, I walked back to my friend, unaware that in the near future I was going to be in trouble. For quite some time, say a few weeks, I was being ragged by a senior, who was at my tail again that day, moving swiftly from place to place as I switched between them myself after noticing him. As if that wasn’t enough of dread, my friend HAD to make fun of the situation instead of making me feel safe beside her! But it was ultimately the buses that saved me from an unnecessary confrontation with the senior. They were on the move now, taking every day scholar back home from hell.

The Bus Day celebration had not rested in its grave yet. We stopped plenty of times during the journey when our bus seniors got down and bought food for everyone in the bus. The food was being rapidly distributed. This time the cake had landed on our paper plates and not our faces. With all the eating and the gulping, time had passed much faster….I took leave from the bus and I started walking back home.

Ah! I had finally rested my feet on the bed. I lay on it wondering how fast a day had passed and how soon the rising sun would come to greet me. I changed clothes and rushed to the apartment one floor on top. I occupied my aunt’s computer and went online. This is what I usually do. Stay online from six thirty in the evening to around eight. Work out for an hour or so and come back online from nine thirty till around ten thirty. Ten thirty is my curfew and as the minute hand on the clock points at six, I rush downwards back home. I brush my teeth and switch on my laptop to lose myself to the music of Great Lord and Idol Kurt Cobain and other brother rock bands till midnight. It is fair to contemplate at this moment, how in a year’s time the teen drama will be over under the effect of metamorphosis that I would undergo. As Cobain chanted ‘And I swear that I don’t have a gun, no I don’t have a gun….Memory yeah, memory yeah…’, I closed my eyes ending the chapter on another very normal, forgettable day in an eighteen year old girl’s life!


Deepu_Suresh said...

Its really excellent and wonderful.i was amazing to read this blog.actually i don't know how u are celebrating your bus day,but after reading this i came to know about it.once again iam wishing u to do more jobs like this but this is not the correct way that to express chennai is not good remaining all its excellent.don't think otherwise

'IN'cesticide said...

thanks!..its just an opinion i hold of the city like I mentioned before..and i related an event that got me very mad! Unfortunately it had to occur here..i have nothin against chennai as such!

Unknown said...

deepu suresh said "its really excellent and wonderful!!!! "
hahahaa.. i shudder to think what he finds bad... lolz..
i must say avantika, if u had the chance u wud allow nuclear warfare in chennai.... and have all the buses turned bicycles so that ppl can travel comfortably...
nothing against chennai....yea rite!!

'IN'cesticide said...

idt mikhail!...i hv nuthin against chennai!..i jst hate the way things are arnd here....i try to be diplomatic but im failing to be so?:S...loll
i would luv to turn the buses to bicycles!
i asked u to comment on my post and not comment on sum1 else's comment....dumbass:P